8+ Hours of Training on Affiliate Marketing from a 7-Figure Earner

This academy includes 5 lessons ranging from 90-120 minutes each, focused on teaching members how to earn affiliate commissions!


8+ Hours of Training on Affiliate Marketing from a 7-Figure Earner

Learn how to become a PRO at Paid Advertising over the course of 5 days!


10+ Hours of Training on YouTube Marketing from a 7 Figure Earner

5-day course teaching you how to create YouTube channels and videos that get more views and engagement!


​​​​​​​7 Hours of Academy Teaching + 3 Hours of Bonus Content for Live Viewers!

5-day course teaching you how to create faceless social media channels and faceless content to make money online.


7+ Hours of Training on Paid Advertising from a 7 Figure Earner

5-day course teaching you how to use O.P.C. (Other People's Content) and how to clip it to use as social media content.


8+ Hours of Training on Paid Advertising from a 7 Figure Earner

5-day course teaching you how to use A.I. tools like Midjourney, ChatGPT, & Talking Avatars to make money online!

Get Access to Our Weekly 5-Day Academies for Just $100/mo!

Every week we launch a new academy inside of A.T.L.A.S. - That comes out to just $5.00 per episode!

Here are just some of the academies you'll gain access to:



Faceless Content Academy

Social Media Marketing

5 Video Lessons

On-Demand Viewing

Facebook Group Access

Paid Traffic Academy

Paid Advertising

5 Video Lessons

On-Demand Viewing

Facebook Group Access

Viral Clipping Academy

Content Creation

5 Video Lessons

On-Demand Viewing

Facebook Group Access

Student Testimonials

Natosha Marie

So far my two key takeaways have been separating out my list for the people who have purchased and put them on a "Buyer's List" (brilliant..not sure why I haven't been doing this!!), and creating a front offer and end offer for your main offer. Really there are like 30 takeaways and we are only starting day 3 but those have been the biggest so far!

Christian Alva

My biggest takeaways from the training thus far is how to use and come up with “bridge” ideas for different markets and niches. Chris, I really love your ability to be creative on the fly in this department of “bridging” because you come up with angles to each market/niche so quickly and effortlessly.Your bridge pages training has sparked my creativity!

Edmarie Rosado

My Key Points for this week are: Chose your avatar, build an audience and with the KLT factor promote an offer. Promote the offer using value, value, value, pitch method (Long Game). Use bridge Marketing also. As you learn the income producing activities are less but make sure you maintain a 50/50 rate, then upscale to 80/20.

JoNathan Hanks

Sheesh! let me start off by saying by using the internet income system and implementing the strategies being taught inside the system I’ve been able to not only create new income streams but I’ve been able to leverage and scale my other businesses as well. You won’t find this much value anywhere in the market.


Earn up to 100% Commissions by Promoting our Academies!

When you enroll for $100/mo we give you the ability to add your own Stripe account which allows you to receive 100% commissions on anyone that you refer into our academies! This means you can reimburse your cost to enroll with just one referral!

Not only will you receive 100% commissions for every $100/mo member that you refer, but there are additional streams of income available to you inside of the Internet Income System including the ability to swap out your own affiliate link on 3rd party products or services that we promote!

Atlas Academy has Partnered with The Internet Income System

Our Atlas Academy program is a BONUS for members that join the Internet Income System (IIS), starting at just $100/mo.

When you click the link below, you will be taken to the IIS website to enroll. Immediately after joining you will receive an email with your login instructions to the Atlas Academy.

When you login you can click the BUILDERS tab at the top to gain immediate access to the available academies, as well as the ability to join our live zoom sessions daily, M-F, at 4:00pm PT!

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